Anto 73
Thursday, April 1, 2010
So, today I bring you Anto's newest hair (73) converted to Sims 3.
It's quite high poy, LOD0 is around 16K! But I've done all the LODs, so, no worries. :)
About it: according to Anto, it's a Lady Gaga related hair. It's a short and very stylish hair!
Well, here it is:

It's quite high poy, LOD0 is around 16K! But I've done all the LODs, so, no worries. :)
About it: according to Anto, it's a Lady Gaga related hair. It's a short and very stylish hair!
Well, here it is:

female hair,
Very pretty! :D
Looks great!!! Thank you Savio!!!
Very elegant! Thanks to you Savio.
WoW that was fast lol Thanks....
And I was wondering if you could convert this one pweaseee
It's from fabulousims
Really nice one :)
By the way, I don't know if you take requests, but I was searching for conversions of three other anto hairs (from coolsims) numbers 25, 35 and 42 and I haven't found them anywhere. If you will have some time please have a look at them.
Amei *------------*
Savio preciso da sua ajuda se não suicido e QQQ'
Sabe akele famoso problema das luzes estrnhas que aparecem quando o cabelo está no cas?Elas só aparecem no cas,mas no jogo são normais.
Sabe como concertar?Por favor, me responda T.T
Eu nunca tive esse problema, mas tentou fazer um MainSpecular todo preto? Ou não usar Halo, eu não sei...
um specular todo preto eu fiz...Vou tentar não usar o halo...Obrigado por me ajudar =D
Ah!E desculpe por ser tão alarmento...:P
Beautiful work..
Also love the sim, where is it from?
amei o cabelo, mas posso fazer uma pergunta ?
onde achou esse vestido ? *_*
obrigada, beijos
É do All About Style
ack! thats gorgeous! muy guapo! El pelo es mi amor!
(u speak spanish, right?)
Savio!Pergunta besta do dia =p
qual gadget vc tá usando pra colocar aquela area de labels?
Por favor, como dá para baixar ??
eu salvo e não aparece nada??????????????
A beaut! Where is the dress from?
Love it, love it, love it! This is mega hot!
Cheers for ALL of your downloads! You rock!
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