Anto 71 - With Colorable Accessory
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Well.. here is my conversion of Anto's/CoolSims newest hair. (it was converted before, but it's available at Shymoo on their VIP section - I think you need some amount of posts in order to get in and download it)
However, I've noticed that Shymoo's doesn't have a patternable/CASTable accessory, so, here's mine version, with fully colorable accessory!
I've uploaded a sims3pack version, and a .package one. Download only ONE version.
Enjoy it!

Well.. here is my conversion of Anto's/CoolSims newest hair. (it was converted before, but it's available at Shymoo on their VIP section - I think you need some amount of posts in order to get in and download it)
However, I've noticed that Shymoo's doesn't have a patternable/CASTable accessory, so, here's mine version, with fully colorable accessory!
I've uploaded a sims3pack version, and a .package one. Download only ONE version.
Enjoy it!

awwww! so cute Sav! :D
I would love it for children too! *hints hints*
Very nicely done. Thank you!
Yey! Much better then Shymoo convertion!
Thank you Savio! You are the best.
"I would love it for children too! *hints hints*"
lol. Have to agree! ;D
It looks great Savio! Love it! :) Thank you!
Oi Sávio!Adoro suas conversões!Poço fazer uns pedidos?
rosedonate_0071 (os dois)
o rose 0076 eu já até converti,fiz as texturas,os alinhamentos dos ossos...Mas não sei como faz pra tirar akelas partes que ficam faltando textura(acho que chama halo effect?).Se puder me ajudar,ficarei muito feliz :)
Savio, this looks awesome! Where did you find that cute outfit?
Hey SAVIO why is not working ??? The .sims3pack one can you please update them , I have version 1.10 please please update them
Hey !!! Be my affliate uhm i don't know how to create a band so i don't have one :) my website url :
OOOH!! Nice! I love downloading your hairs.
LOve that you also have it as a sims3pack as thats all my computer seems to be able to download! Was so happy when I saw that! Thanks Heaps.
Dude, you rock
This is nice. Is this version of hair without accessory? I want it too.
you're really great! i love your hair creations! thanks for sharing them! :D
What Is The Polycount? My laptops a bit rubbish and i want this hair, but i dont want the hassle of slow-downs.
This is so cute actually I'm gonna tell to my girlfriend she wearing a dress like that and the same hairstyle because I Know she'll look so sexy and beautiful.
how do you download it??.
Hi very nice hair can you please tell me where you got the dress of the sims