Peggy 4669
Monday, August 16, 2010
This was requested.
Well, I think this hair looks actually really cute. There is other conversion of it, but I thought I should try it myself. hehe
Anyway, I hope you like it. :)

This was requested.
Well, I think this hair looks actually really cute. There is other conversion of it, but I thought I should try it myself. hehe
Anyway, I hope you like it. :)
Peggy 4669

female hair,
aww nice one !
Finally! it looks lovely Sav! ♥
good job :), thanks!
You did a great job!I love it!
hiya is this a high poly mesh? :)
Hey Savio,
Please im begging you, please convert peggy hair
001286 (not such a high poly count if possible)
Please please please im begging!!!!! ;-)
<33 So glad you reconverted this! Aikea's was a bit too high on the head for my likings :D
Savio, is there someway I can privately contact you? The Contact Me page doesn't work, so yea :P
Savio, I was wondering if you could do this request for me?
I'm not very good at converting hairs, but you are amazing! Could you please do this request?
Oh yes, Peggy 001286 will be amazing for sims 3.
Please do that one Savio :)
I love it! Could you convert this one:
OMW that peggy 001286 would be perfect for my game!
Please convert it savio
hi ! nice hair , but where can i download the dress ?
Okay i downloaded it but now what do i do. . .Please tell me this works on macs and not just pc!
Sav can you make this a sim3pack and can you tell me whats the skins you use because they really are cute and what is the hair color because of the red
It looks lovely Sav!
Apart that you can actually pierce someon with those braids! xD
Just imagine how cool it would be if EA implemented hair animations!
Oh.. I can dream.. can't I!?
How do you download this??
can you make a sims3pack file for this? Thanks. :)
where can i download the model?
Where can I get this dress?
wow cool
Que linda !
Is this available for toddlers & children as well?
please can someone tell me hoe to install this into my game i have sims 3 and i already downloaded stuff but i dont know where to put it
Comment télécharger ?
hi how can i download this i :) love it
thank you *_*