Savio Hair 13 - New Mesh
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Okay, I thought I'd try meshing once again. And I kinda like the result. (the back looks bad/weird/shity anyway, I'm never able to make good backs lol)
About it:
*Poly count: 9k polys (yeah, it's pretty low compared to my earlier hairs, but still high. be sure your PC can handle it! Oh, thanks a lot to Nouk, who taught me how to use Loops-thing from 3DS Max (I used it to reduce the poly count). Thank you!!!!)
*For females only, teen through elder
*Textures by Anto (thanks man, you rock!!!)
Thanks to:
3DS Max developers
Milkshape developers
Delphy for Daboobs and CTU
Wes for his awesome plugins
Nouk for helping me out
Anto for texture
Chad for feedbacks
I hope you'll like it!!

Okay, I thought I'd try meshing once again. And I kinda like the result. (the back looks bad/weird/shity anyway, I'm never able to make good backs lol)
About it:
*Poly count: 9k polys (yeah, it's pretty low compared to my earlier hairs, but still high. be sure your PC can handle it! Oh, thanks a lot to Nouk, who taught me how to use Loops-thing from 3DS Max (I used it to reduce the poly count). Thank you!!!!)
*For females only, teen through elder
*Textures by Anto (thanks man, you rock!!!)
Thanks to:
3DS Max developers
Milkshape developers
Delphy for Daboobs and CTU
Wes for his awesome plugins
Nouk for helping me out
Anto for texture
Chad for feedbacks
I hope you'll like it!!
Savio Hair 13

female hair,
acho q dessa vez meu queixo quebro de tal forma que nem cirurgia resolve O.o
I disagree, I think the back looks nice. Not as realistic as the front, but still good. You're definitely improving! ^_^
TumTum: kkkkkkkkkkkk :P
Glimmerling: oh, thank you! :D ^^
:O I've fallen in love...
I don't know why, but I really like the back! :D
It's a wonderful mesh Sav, keep it up! ^-^
Very cute! I love it.
Where is that necklace from?
Really cute ! Thank's ! Great work ! ^^
Very good Savio!!!
I love this one!!!
Thanks guys!!
Krystan, it's from RoseSims. :)
Hey Savio,
Please im begging you, please convert peggy hair
001286 (not such a high poly count if possible)
Please please please im begging!!!!! ;-)
It's similar to the last peggy mesh, but I absolutely prefer yours!! :D you're very good! *-* Thanks for sharing your fantastic creations, you and anubis are GREAT :D
i can't download this amazing design!!
can u add the simspack??
Very and very cute style of hair! I just impressed to see this awesome style. Love it. :) And I want to try it now. Thanks for this allocation. :)
Awesome style! I just impressed to see this hair style. I will try it in my second birthday party which is held in coming month. Thanks!!!
Thank you so much for this lovely hair. It's beautiful and a bit extraordinary :) /Iza
Yes. Where is that Necklace from?! :D
I didn't knew that there are lip balms from Revlon. I wish I have saw them first so that I have purchased them instead of a lippie that I have recently bought from Revlon.