Rose 89 and 90

Saturday, July 17, 2010 Posted by Sávio
Two new hairs: Rose 89 and 90 ^^

About Rose 89:
*5k (5554) polys
*For males and females, teen through elder (male and female are in separate files, so, take away the one you don't want in your game)

About Rose 90:
*5k (5656) polys
*For females only, teen through elder

Rose 89


(for those who don't know which file is the female or which is the male:
'TM-EM' in the file means that it is avaiable for males, teen through elder (teen male-elder male)
'TF-EF' in the file means that it is avaiable for females, teen through elder (teen female-elder female))

Rose 90


Hope you like them. :D
  1. Anonymous

    Savio, can you tell me how Rose named those two hairs?
    I have them in my game.
    I loved these hairs them but I'm in love with your fixed versions.
    Thank you so much! but I have to delete those old files.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. hehehe....Por favor Sávio, o nome e a CASP :p

    Ninguém mandou consertar o crap work da rose,né?Agora aguenta :p

    Acho q já devia deixar isso nos comentarios dos proximos fixes, já q vou te pedir a mesma coisa em todos ~.~

  3. Here you go:

    Rose 90
    rose_hair016_female_af.package (female)
    rose_hair016_cfcu.package (child)
    rose_hair016_male_am.package (male)
    rose_hair016_pfpu.package (toddler)

    Rose 89
    rose_donation_hair08_female_af.package (female)
    rose_donation_hair08_female_cf.package (child)
    rose_donation_hair08_female_pf.package (toddler)

  4. Opa, aqui o CASP: (só Instance)




    E, verdade, vou postar logo os nomes. (eu não coloquei primeiramente pq não eram fixes, eu reconverti todos, mas vou atrás e colocar agora)

  5. Thanks :p

    Eu sei q não eram fixes...é impossível consertar akilo q a rose fez... :o Ela cagou nos cabelos, literalmente \o/

  6. Thank you! You do not know how hugely thankful I am for making this hair for males! I've been looking for it for a long while, and was hoping someone could be so kind as to convert it. Again, you have my deepest thanks!^^

    *Hugs* You're awesome! No Sims 3 is complete with your conversions!

  7. thank you for Rose 89

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