NewSea YU13F Vivid + Dining Set 01
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hey! o/
I have been really sick these days, so, there was no updates until then.
Now that I'm better, I bring you all a Dining Set, which are included:
*Dining Chair
*Plant (mesh by 4ESF)
*Bowl of pears (mesh by Holy Simoly)
Ah, they have been done using TSRW, S3OC, S3PE and Wes' plugins.

I have been really sick these days, so, there was no updates until then.
Now that I'm better, I bring you all a Dining Set, which are included:
*Dining Chair
*Plant (mesh by 4ESF)
*Bowl of pears (mesh by Holy Simoly)
Ah, they have been done using TSRW, S3OC, S3PE and Wes' plugins.

DOWNLOAD Dining Set 01
Also, here is a hair conversion: NewSea YU13F Vivid. Ah, in this one, you'll get smoother movements. :)
female hair,
living set,
I'm just getting over the flu too. Anyway, these look great. Thanks again:)
This bowl is already converted by Infusorian.
Hair look great)))
Ah, really? Sorry then.. :s
i love it!
Wow awesome dining set......THANKYOU!
Sorry to learn you have not been well, it's great to see you back
And what skintone do you use?
jordoosims, atm I don't take requests. I have been really busy with newsea hairs. ;)
Lorry, thank you! ^^
MS3B, thank you too! Get well soon! =)
Anonymous above, I use Peggy's. Both, face and body.
Savio, You are so awesome!! thanks for doing all these conversions!! I really love the new dining set! Great job!! Hope you feel better soon! :)
thx 4 all the info, savio! not to mention yr original work. awesome job. sorry to hear you weren't well. i had the swine flu too! i hear vitamin D is supposed to help. i've still got the cough. hope you're well now!
Hah, finally I can have the vivid hair :D
Thank you so much. I hope you feel better now.
There it is, Antonella! hehe =D Hope you enjoy it!
Ah, I feel a lot better now, thank you. What about you?
Ah, I sent you an email.
Awesome set ~ thanks :)
Glad to hear your feeling better.
Love your diningroom and your newest hair,
'' s p e c t a c u l a r '' stuff.
Wow!!! Fantastic, wonderful, thank you so very very much.
Warmest regards
A congratulations to my friend Savio
Today is your day
Good work congratulations you are a star
Amei o cabelo, parece com o meu quando euacordo pela manhã. EAIHEAIEHOIAEH
bjs, kate.
I replied, you should check it. :)
Ok, thanks!
That looks great! Spacify offers wide range of Dining Chairs Sets.
Amei o quadro!!!
Thank you for the feature!! I don't know how I missed this! I was searching through your Favs and came across this post and saw my piece. I was moving during that week so I guess I wasn't reading my daily blog reads as much. office furniture Brisbane really appreciate it :)