Anto 54 - by request
Friday, October 9, 2009
This was requested here: and I just finished it. Thanks for the requester cause I didnt see this new coolsims hair yet! ;)
Anyway, here it is:

It is teen through elder, only for females. Everything is alright: tips, root and highlights work properly. My bone assignments might not be perfect!
Anyway, here it is:

Poly Count: about 25000 - with undersides (yep, pretty high, cause it is a long and wavy hair. :) )
Anto, thank you very much for allowing us convert your hairs! They are woderful, as well as this one. :)
DOWNLOAD Anto 54 - FIXED 1.2b ( please, redownload)
Thanks Mura for letting me know about the issue with the forehead!
Please, redownload and delete the old file. (file name: AntoCS 54_TF-EF_Savio-1.1b)
Another great one! This is the same as Man has previewed right? Thanks, can't wait to try:)
um could I request something?
#544 Donation Peggy hair?
Could you link to, please? (Anon above) I dont take requests atm, but if i like it I cn try. lol
Ah, MS3B, seems they are the same... I didnt see Man's preview. :s I just got started to convert it when I read anon's comments about it. I'm sorry...
What does the 25000 poly count mean? Is it going to make my game slower or crash?
It is pretty high for a hair. Simple hairs have about 6000 poly. Peggy's and some hairs of others creators usually have around 15000..
Slower? I think so... Crash, I dont really know. Might crash if your PC cant handle it. (I have done all the LODs, which are the lower poly versions oif the main mesh, but anyways..)
is that good Savio? I am the first anon lol. are the best! I'm so glad people like you are helping us Sims3 fans (especially since the base game barely came with any good hair!). Anyway, maybe you would be interested in remaking this sims 2 hair by newsea...(sorry, I know, that sounded a lot like a, but it's really pretty and it was even used as part of the logo...anyway, if you decide you will, here is the link:
pleeeease...can you? I will be checking this blog regularly since you always have good stuff, so just let me know if you can...thanks!
ow mygod! this hair is so cute! but the poly count is bugging me,. i might not download this one, cant decide.but thank you really for all the converts.
hey savio do you think its ok for my pc? my video card is nvidia geforce 8400 gs,. sorry i dont have any idea if my pc is high or low end. thanks
Anon #3 above, you want me to convert it? It is pay, and I dont know where to get it for free... (booty, simscave..)
Anon #1 above, I think it is MidHigh.. But it depends on your PC overall configuration, not only your video card. But I guess you can use it without many troubles. (or any troubles) :)
Hmm for some reason, the bangs goes through my sims' forehead... I wonder if that happens depending on how you shaped the face.
It's very cute though. I'll try later to find out what the problem is.
I havent had any problems like that.. It looked great on every sim I tested it in.
oh is that so,. can i use it on multiple sims? or if i have sims who uses quite high poly hairs, is it still safe for my pc?? ahaha,. im the one who asked about the video card btw, sorry for all the questions.
hey savio, its anon#3, lol...just call me animelovers2...anyway, thanks for the speedy response! Yes, I would love it if you could convert it, but sadly,it is from a paysite! Anyway, I've been looking to see if I can get it somewhere for free...I checked the booty and simscave, but I haven't found it yet...I will definitely keep looking...I will let you know when I find it, ok. Thanks again!
Hello Savio! I'm back with a few pictures that show clearly that part of the bangs come in conflict with the forehead (I also noticed that in your 4th picture, but it's less noticeable in light colored hair).
I can't put on photobucket or imageshack because of a bug, so I'll use sendspace:
Thanks so much, Mura! Will fix right now :)
Btw, what's your graphic card? *-*
I have a 1GB GeForce 9500 GT ^^. It costs around 85 canadian dollars (taxes already included) at the shop I bought (specialized shop, not something like Future Shop, so it's a lot cheaper I think).
Oh, ok, thank you. =)
You are so amazing thnx so much for this! Could you convert peggy hairmesh05007. If you don't understand what I mean here is a pic:
Excelente, adorei! =D Continue sempre com seu ótimo trabalho! ^^
Adoro suas conversões savyo!!!!!
If possible can you fix a little bug on this hair? I have been using for a while and everytime my sim looks up or move her neck in a specific manner part of the hair goes inside her neck =/
Em português, consigo explicar melhor XD é assim o bug, toda vez que a sim olha pra cima ou move o pescoço de modo a cabeça ficar inclinada, uma parte do cabelo 'entra' dentro de seu pescoço.
Thank you so much for these!! I wasn't playing sims3 later due to lack of modded hairs and these of your just brighted my day!!
OMG! im in love.
where did you get the dreses.
are they available to download?
Could I get a link to the dress pls? :)
I've had it before but my computer crashed some time ago, and since then I've been looking for it!
So could you give me the link pls? (;
btw: I love your work!
Hey thats a wonderful creativity you have shown in this blog.. i like the pic...
Thanks for nice one post.....!