Rose 94 Alpha Edit
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Okay, this time I bring you guys an alpha edit.
I converted this hair before, but it looked crap. :P Rose did too, and it looked even worse. lol
This conversion looks lovely, but the only problem is that it is (originally) WAY too long. I think it looks even cuter with this alpha edit. :D
-TumTum for original conversion
-Anubis for retexture
-Selzi for edited alpha
-Rose for original mesh
I hope you like it. :)

I converted this hair before, but it looked crap. :P Rose did too, and it looked even worse. lol
This conversion looks lovely, but the only problem is that it is (originally) WAY too long. I think it looks even cuter with this alpha edit. :D
-TumTum for original conversion
-Anubis for retexture
-Selzi for edited alpha
-Rose for original mesh
I hope you like it. :)

alpha edit,
female hair
Holy Shizel. Amazing. <33
Thank you for shortening it. The long version is hideous. Lovely. <3
Yay! I've really been wanting a shorter version!
Savio, I'm soo glad you did this. I always thought the hair would look much better IF it were shorter. I guess what they say is true, all great minds think a like. Great work!
i love this hair thanks savio
Now I get it Sav. (I think, lol)
This is very nice.
This looks so much better then the way too long version!
I luv it!
Great work Savio =)
This hair is amazing, Savio ♥o♥
Could you shorten this Peggy hair that Tum Tum converted here:
like this :
please ?
It would be super and I could create myself in The Sims 3... :(
Thanks in advance for your answer... :)
Awesome job! I don't get why so many hairs are ridiculously long like this one originally was. It just looks weird and covers half the outfit they're wearing. So, TYVM for shortening this and making such a cute and realistic hairstyle.
Could you convert Rose's FFX Rikku hairs?
i also thought the other one was too long, this looks great!
where can i find that dress?
Can you retexture Rose Free Hair 002 and make the hairband patternable? It desperately needs to be fixed.
Amazing edit :)
From some weird reason the hair is not showing up in my game :S Never had that problem before with another hair.
You always do such a great work converting.
So, please answer me. Do you take requests from other designer's hairs besides Peggy, Anto and Rose?